Principals Message
Welcome to Quincy Middle School!
Welcome to Quincy Middle School! Middle school is a time of change. The workload and social adjustments are greater here than at the elementary level. However, just as in the past, students will be expected to attend school regularly, work hard in their classes, and behave appropriately. We hope that your year will be filled with many new and exciting opportunities. If students or parents have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to call us so we can help.
The staff at Quincy Middle is dedicated to improving student learning. While our students have made significant gains in the past several years, we know that we must continue to move forward to keep pace with the state and federal standards. Our staff is also dedicated to developing a culture of safety and belonging for our students. We know that when students feel that they are a part of their school they enjoy their middle school years and perform better. Students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities such as athletics, academic competitions and club opportunities.
The staff and I would like to thank parents for entrusting the job of educating your child to us. We take this job seriously and we are dedicated to providing the best learning environment possible. We will communicate frequently with families and ask that you contact us if you have any questions.