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Contact QMS

16 6th Ave SE
Quincy, WA 98848
Phone: 509.787.4435
Fax: 509.787.8949
Office Hours:
7:30 a.m. - 3:45p.m.


Collage of QMS photos

Principal: Scott Ramsey

Assistant Principal:
Greg Martinez
Assistant Principal:
Caitlin Coulsey
Administrative Assistant:
Elvia Pio Medina

Attendance Secretary:
Noemi Osorio
Parent Liaison:
Anita Silvas

School Counselors:
Alli LaMotte
Hector Vaca-Mendoza

Athletic Director:
Teresa Goninan
School Hours:
Monday: 10:20am-3:05pm
Tuesday-Friday: 8:20am-3:05pm

Our Mission

The purpose of Quincy Middle School is to engage all students in high levels of learning.

The staff at QMS is serious about our mission and work hard to make sure that students gain the skills necessary to be successful. 

About QMS
Our PBIS expectations Ready, Respectful, and Responsible are found in every classroom and throughout the building.  Students are taught the expectations at the beginning of the year and several times throughout the year.   
Information on the 3 R's


The QMS staff will also continue to focus on the programs that were implemented during our school improvement process. 
These include:
1.  Data-Driven Instruction
We have worked hard to use the student data that we receive from the SBAC, Interim Block Assessments and STAR and iReady assessments to better meet the needs of our students.  This data allows us to see exactly where our students have been successful and where we need to place more emphasis. 
2.  Intervention Classes
These classes are designed to help students who are struggling in math, reading or writing.  Students are placed in these classes based on their SBAC, ELPA 21 and WIDA and STAR assessment data and performance in class.
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a college bound philosophy and system that places an emphasis on getting students closing the achievement and opportunity gap. The instructional strategies emphasized in this system provide students with access to rigorous curriculum and the support necessary to be successful in school while preparing for their future.  AVID is a system of "good teaching," its practices resonate with all students and teachers, creating impressive schoolwide results.
4. Academy and Highly Capable Classes
Quincy Middle School provides a wide variety of services for those students above grade level.  The intent of the program is to offer a more challenging environment that emphasizes community service and constructivism so that by the time a student reaches the high school level they are prepared to be involved in AP courses and earn college credit while still in high school.  Currently, our students are able to take Academy classes in reading/language arts, and history.  We also have a variety of academic competitions available to students such as Math Counts, Math is Cool and chess tournaments and many club activities for students with different interests and talents.


Student Demographics
Quincy Middle School serves 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and we anticipate having around 760 students for the 2024-2025 school year.  We provide services for general education, multilingual learners, special education and highly capable students. Quincy Middle School serves students from a diverse cultural setting.  Our population is about 88% Hispanic, as well as a large population of second language learners (37%).  Currently, about 78% of our students receive free and reduced lunch.

Quincy Middle School inherited the building that was formerly QHS. This is a larger buiding with a wide variety of athletic and career and technical education classrooms that we have incorporated into our educational programs.  Each of our current classrooms are equipped with a document camera and Promethean to aid in instruction.  We are also a school district that is 1:1 with technology so each student has access to their own Chromebook they are responsible for and use for educational purposes.

Opportunities for Parents and the Community

The staff at Quincy Middle School welcomes parents and community members to partner with us as we teach our students.  We see our parents as vital parts of a child’s education.  We provide opportunities for parent volunteers to participate in fundraising activities with our Parent Volunteer Committee (PVC) and provide various meetings for parents to meet with school staff to provide feedback through our Parent Advisory Council (PAC). QMS is a “Watch D.O.G.S.” school and we encourage parents to volunteer in this program and be present in our school. We believe the most important job that we ask of parents is to be a part of their child’s education at home.  Please assist us in checking your child’s homework and keep in close contact with our teachers.  Together we can make sure that your child meets the expectations that we have set for them.  If you ever have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact the teachers or the school office. 

Title I Schools - Professional Qualifications
Parents, did you know that you can request information regarding the professional qualifications of your student's classroom teachers?  If you would like to know more please contact the office.