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The Parent Teacher Advisory Team (PTAT) is up and running!  This is a great opportunity to get involved in our school and your child’s education.  While this team coordinates fundraising programs such as the annual magazine drive and organizes programs for students, the main focus of this group is to inform parents about the academic offering at the junior high.  Your attendance does not obligate you to serving on committees.  The rejuvenation of this group is a high priority of the school improvement team and we would like to see you there.  The focus of the first meeting will be to get organized for the year.  We will outline our fundraising calendar and get parent input for future topics and information that would be useful to them in helping their student be successful at school.  Please call the office for the meeting schedule and we will be able to give you information on future meetings, contact information for the other members and/or topics for future meetings.  Thanks, we hope that you are able to participate.